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Social signals are signals sent by social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to search engines to determine their relevance and authority. They play an important role in optimising websites for search engine optimisation (SEO) and can help a website to be found better in search results.

Why are social signals important for SEO?

Social signals give search engines an idea of how well a particular page is established on the internet and how much interaction there is with it. The more positive signals a page receives, the more relevant and trustworthy it appears in the eyes of search engines. Good SEO optimisation should therefore aim to collect as many positive social signals as possible.

How can I optimise my social signals?

Create high-quality content: One of the most important factors for generating social signals is the creation of high-quality content. Informative and interesting content that appeals to the target audience increases the likelihood that visitors will share and recommend the content.

Encourage interaction: To generate social signals, it is important to encourage interaction with the target audience. Including social media buttons that allow visitors to share the content and inviting them to comment on the content are useful tools.

Use the target group's networks: It is important to be present on the social networks where the target group spends most time. Through regular updates and interaction with the community, you can collect social signals there.

Cooperate with influencers: A cooperation with relevant influencers in the industry can help to present the content to a broader target group and thus generate more social signals.

An example of how to optimise social signals

A blog that deals with the topic of "healthy nutrition" can optimise its social signals by regularly publishing informative and appealing content on nutrition topics. By including social media buttons and invitations to comment on the content, it can encourage interaction with its readers and thus generate more social signals.

To increase its presence on the social networks where its target audience mainly spends time, the blog can be regularly updated on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest and generate more signals through interactions with its community there.

To increase its reach, the blog can also enter into collaborations with nutrition experts or fitness influencers and thus present its content to an even larger target group and generate more social signals.

These are just a few examples of how to optimise social signals. To be successful, it is important to continuously work on creating high-quality content and to encourage interaction with the target group. A combination of different methods such as network usage, influencer marketing and others is certainly necessary for a successful optimisation of social signals.


In this blog post, we have discussed what social signals are and why they are important for search engine optimisation. Social signals give search engines an idea of how well a particular page is established on the internet and how strong the interaction with it is. The more positive signals a page receives, the more relevant and trustworthy it appears in the eyes of search engines.

We also gave some tips on how to optimise social signals, such as creating high-quality content, encouraging interaction, using the networks of the target group and cooperating with influencers. It is important to continuously work on optimising the social signals to increase the relevance and authority of the website in the eyes of the search engines.

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