Order Tracking for OXID
Activate tracking of orders in your Oxid eShop and transfer your affiliate orders to
plus VAT
Single shop license
For OXID eShop with one storefront. PHP code files are encrypted.
- Product group: OXID extension
- Oxid version: CE / PE / EE 4.7.x - 4.9.x
- PHP version: PHP 5.x - PHP 7.4
- IonCube Loader (free): IonCube loader needed
- Usecase: Analysis
- Licencing options: Retail version
plus VAT
Retail version (open source)
For OXID multishop systems or several individually operated OXID shops.
- Product group: OXID extension
- Oxid version: CE / PE / EE 4.7.x - 4.9.x
- PHP version: PHP 5.x - PHP 7.4
- IonCube Loader (free): no IonCube required
- Usecase: Analysis
- Licencing options: Retail version (open source) orders tracking for the OXID eShop
With our affiliate order tracking module you can easily track your orders from affiliate programmes of, the network with over 28,000 advertisers. This is especially useful if you participate in affiliate marketing programmes and want to track your orders from different sources.
Tracking affiliate orders allows you to accurately measure and analyse the success of your affiliate marketing efforts. You can see which affiliate programmes are particularly successful and which may need improvement. Tracking affiliate orders also allows you to ensure that you are actually compensated for all your orders that come through
Another advantage of tracking affiliate orders is that you can quickly and easily see which products and services are particularly popular with your customers. This can help you optimise your affiliate marketing programme and increase your sales.
Overall, tracking affiliate orders with our module offers many advantages for affiliate marketers participating in programmes. It allows you to accurately measure and analyse the success of your efforts, ensure that you are compensated for all your orders and receive information about your customers' most popular products and services.
It's simple! Transfer orders from your OXID eShop
To ensure that can capture orders from your affiliate programme, you need to provide certain information about the orderer and the order on the order completion page. This can be done manually by entering a code, but our software module facilitates this process.
To set up tracking of your affiliate orders via our module, you must first enter your programme ID in the shop administration of your Oxid Eshop. You can do this easily via the settings. Once you have done this, our extension will automatically place the necessary code on the order completion page.
No manual template customisation is required to use our module. With just a few minutes of effort, you can easily connect your OXID eShop to the network and activate the tracking of your affiliate orders.
By tracking affiliate orders, you can track exactly which orders come into through your affiliate programme. This is particularly useful if you participate in various affiliate marketing programmes and want to accurately measure the success of your efforts.
Supported languages
- German
- English
Frequently asked questions
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