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Internal links are hyperlinks that point to other pages within your own website. They play an important role in the navigation and ranking of your website in search engines. In this post we will discuss the importance and benefits of internal linking in the OXID Shop.

Why is internal linking so important for search engines?

Search engines use internal links to understand the structure and importance of your website. Internal links allow a search engine to see which pages are most important and how they are connected. This helps search engines index your website better and identify relevant content for specific search terms.

Why is internal linking so important for users?

Internal links make it easier for users to find relevant information on your website. They can link directly to other pages that may be of interest to the user. This improves the user experience and keeps them on your website rather than redirecting them to another website. If you place relevant links to keywords directly in the content of your website, your users do not have to shift their focus from the content to the navigation to visit more of your pages. You can think of internal linking as a navigation within the content of your website.

What is the optimal linking and which links do I want to have?

Optimal linking should be sensible and logical. Link to pages that are relevant and of interest to the user. Avoid superfluous links or links that are no longer updated.

A good example of successful internal linking is Wikipedia. The platform uses a variety of internal links to connect its content and allow users to navigate easily. The links are well labelled and lead to relevant articles or sections within the website. This makes it easier for users to quickly find the information they are looking for and to get more in-depth information on a topic.

Another good example is Duden, a well-known reference work for the German language. Here, too, effective internal linking is used to enable users to navigate quickly and to better link the content. The links are cleverly placed and lead to similar or related topics within the website.

Such examples show that internal linking can be an important part of a well-designed website. They improve both the user experience and search engine rankings when carefully planned and implemented.

What five things should every SEO beginner know about internal links?

  • Use descriptive link text to clarify the importance of the link.
  • Link to important pages within your website to help search engines index them.
  • Use clear navigation to help users find their way around your website.
  • Avoid broken links as this can detract from the user experience.
  • Monitor your internal links regularly to ensure they are always updated and working.


Internal linking is an important aspect of optimising your website for search engines and for user experience. Make sure your internal links are meaningful and logical, use descriptive link text and link to important pages within your website. Avoid broken links and monitor your internal links regularly. This way you can improve your website's search engine ranking and enhance the user experience.

In summary, internal linking is an important part of search engine optimisation and user experience. Make sure you plan and monitor it carefully to get the most out of your OXID shop.

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