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In today's online market, where competition is fiercer than ever, the loading speed of your OXID online shop is crucial. A fast loading time can help visitors stay on your website and buy more. To optimise the loading time of your OXID eShop, there are several options you should consider.


One way to improve the load time of your online shop is to reduce the size of the files that are loaded on your website. This can be achieved by compressing the images, videos and other media files. Compression can reduce the size of the files by up to 90%, resulting in faster loading times.

Time / Space Optimisation

Another way to improve the load time of your online shop is to optimise the time and space required to perform certain tasks on your website. This can be achieved by using faster servers, optimising code and using caching technologies.

Caching static resources

Another way to improve the load time of your online shop is to cache static resources such as images, videos and other media files. Caching saves these files so that they load faster the next time you visit the website.

Optimising database queries

Another way to improve the loading time of your online shop is to optimise the database queries. This can be achieved by using indexes, optimising queries and using caching technologies.


Another way to improve the load time of your online shop is to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN is a network of servers that distribute content across multiple locations around the world. By using a CDN, your website's content is loaded from a server near the visitor, rather than from your main server, which can significantly improve load time.

Session outsourcing

Another way to improve the load time of your online shop is to outsource session data. This can be achieved by using specialised NoSQL databases such as Redis or Memcached. By offloading the session data, the load on your main server is reduced, resulting in a faster load time.

Caching and searching on specialised NoSQL databases

Another way to improve the load time of your online shop is to use caching and search on specialised NoSQL databases such as Solr, Elasticsearch or MongoDB. These databases are specifically optimised for processing large amounts of data and fast searching and can therefore help to improve the loading time of your online shop.


In order to survive in the highly competitive online market, the loading speed of your online shop is crucial. By applying techniques such as compression, time / space optimisation, caching of static resources, optimisation of database queries, CDN, session offloading, caching and search on specialised NoSQL databases, you can significantly improve the loading time of your online shop and thus increase the satisfaction of your visitors and the conversion rate.

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