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One of the most important issues when running an OXID eShop online shop is the performance and speed of the site. Google PageSpeed is a tool that measures the performance of websites and makes suggestions for improvement. But is it really necessary to fully implement Google PageSpeed to run a successful OXID eShop?

The importance of page speed

The speed of a website is important because it directly affects the user experience and therefore the conversion rate. According to Google, businesses could generate up to 20% more sales by reducing load time by one second. A slow page is visited less often by users and can even lead to users leaving the page prematurely.

At the same time, page speed is also an important factor for search engine rankings. Google takes the loading time of a page into account when placing it in the search results. A faster page will therefore rank higher in the search results than a slower page, which in turn can lead to more traffic.

Google PageSpeed and OXID eShop

Google PageSpeed is a tool that measures website performance and makes suggestions for improvement. There is both a desktop and a mobile version of the tool. It analyses the page and makes suggestions to improve the loading time by giving recommendations for optimising images, JavaScript and CSS.

For OXID eShop, there is a special module that facilitates the integration of Google PageSpeed. The module analyses the page and gives recommendations for improving performance. It also offers the possibility to perform the optimisation automatically.

But is the full implementation of Google PageSpeed really necessary to run a successful OXID eShop?

Necessity of the full implementation of Google PageSpeed

Whether the full implementation of Google PageSpeed is necessary to run an OXID eShop depends on several factors. First of all, it depends on how fast the page already is and whether there are already performance issues. If the page is already loading fast and has no performance issues, it might not be necessary to fully implement Google PageSpeed.

However, it is important to note that website performance requirements are constantly changing and it is important to continuously monitor and improve the performance of the page. Fully implementing Google PageSpeed can therefore help to ensure that the site remains fast and does not have performance problems in the future.

Secondly, it also depends on the users' requirements and expectations. If users have high performance requirements and expect a fast loading time, it might make more sense to fully implement Google PageSpeed.

Thirdly, it should also be taken into account that the full implementation of Google PageSpeed can also help to improve search engine rankings. As already mentioned, Google takes the loading time of a page into account when placing it in the search results. A faster page will therefore rank higher in the search results, which in turn can lead to more traffic.


Whether the full implementation of Google PageSpeed is necessary for the operation of an OXID eShop depends on several factors. If the site already loads fast and has no performance issues, it might not be necessary to fully implement Google PageSpeed. On the other hand, full implementation may help the site remain fast and have no performance issues in the future, and may also improve search engine rankings. Ultimately, the need for full implementation of Google PageSpeed depends on the individual requirements and expectations of the OXID eShop.

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