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Online retailing has grown rapidly in recent years, but not all businesses have successfully gained a foothold in this area. Despite having an online shop, many fall short of expectations and fail to generate the same attention and sales as their competitors. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why many online shops are not successful.

Online shop as another bad corporate brochure

Many companies view their online shop as just another brochure that simply showcases their products and services. But an online shop is more than just a digital version of a print brochure. It is an important part of the customer experience and plays a crucial role in converting visitors to customers. If an online shop is not well designed and user-friendly, it can lose the interest of potential customers and negatively affect sales.

A wrong perspective of internal employees often hinders success

Another factor that can hinder the success of an online shop is the wrong perspective of internal employees. Without an understanding of the value and importance of online retail, it can be difficult to make the right decisions and get the most out of the shop. An internal focus on selling products rather than the customer experience can lead to a poor user experience, which ultimately leads to lower sales.

Not building the shop in a customer-focused way

Another common mistake is that online shops are not designed with the customer's needs and wants in mind. A shop that is not intuitive and easy to navigate can put off potential customers. In addition, an online shop should offer easy-to-use search and filter options to simplify navigation for the customer. Without a customer-focused design, it can be difficult to capture customers' interest and get them to complete a transaction.

Poor or non-existent marketing

A successful online shop also needs a strong marketing strategy to attract the attention of potential customers and increase sales. Unfortunately, many businesses rely on publishing their shop on their website as the only method to reach customers. However, this is often not enough to generate sufficient visibility and traffic. Businesses should also use social media, search engine optimisation, email marketing and other marketing channels to promote their online shop.


There are many reasons why many online shops are not successful, including poor set-up, wrong perspective of internal staff and poor marketing. To be successful, businesses need to view their online shop as an important part of their customer experience and implement a strong marketing strategy. A customer-centric design and user-friendly navigation are also important to capture customers' interest and get them to complete a transaction. With these steps, an online shop can be successful and increase sales.

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