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A successful online shop needs constant attention and care. An important part of this is offering promotions and offers to stimulate customer buying behaviour and increase sales. An effective means for this are time-controlled promotions that are coordinated with the various holidays and events of the year.

OXID eShop: Planning time-controlled promotions

OXID eShop offers the possibility to plan such promotions in advance and to play them out in time for the start of the promotion. This way, shop operators can draw their customers' attention to upcoming offers in advance and encourage them to buy.

Examples of successful promotions

An example of this is the pre-Christmas season, when many people are looking for gifts for their loved ones. With targeted promotions such as a "Christmas discount" or a "gift ideas" category, the shop operator can arouse the interest of customers and increase sales during this time.

Black Week" and "Cyber Monday" are also important events in e-commerce when many people are looking for bargains. With suitable promotions, shop operators can draw attention to themselves and profit from the increased interest.

Religious holidays as a promotional opportunity

Another example is Easter, during which many people are looking for gifts and decorations. With offers such as an "Easter Sale" or an "Easter Gift Ideas" category, the shop operator can specifically profit from the increased traffic and specifically increase sales.

Religious holidays such as Eid al-Fitr or Diwali also offer the opportunity to offer targeted promotions and attract attention.

With OXID eShop, the shop operator has the opportunity to offer targeted promotions throughout the year and thus influence the buying behaviour of his customers. By being able to plan promotions in advance and play them out in good time, the shop operator can arouse the interest of his customers and increase sales.


A successful online shop requires constant attention and care. An important part of this is offering promotions and offers to stimulate customers' buying behaviour and increase sales. With OXID eShop, the shop operator has the opportunity to offer targeted promotions throughout the year and thus influence the buying behaviour of his customers. By being able to plan promotions in advance and to play them out in good time, the shop operator can arouse the interest of his customers and increase sales without being forced into action at short notice. It is important to never have standstill on the online shop side, plan your promotions a year in advance and benefit from the OXID internal automation.

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