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An appealing and clear product presentation is a decisive factor for the success of an online shop. Potential customers want to find the desired products quickly and easily and get a good impression of them. This includes not only a clear description of the product features, but also high-quality images or even videos showing the product in action. A good product presentation can strengthen the customer's trust in the online shop and the product and thus lead to a higher willingness to buy.

Psychological tricks to increase the willingness to buy through price presentation

The presentation of prices can have a great influence on the purchase decision. Psychological tricks are used here to increase the willingness to buy. One example is the presentation of prices in odd numbers, such as 19.99€ instead of 20€. This is supposed to give the impression that the product is cheaper than it actually is. The use of signal words such as "special offer" or "bargain" can also increase the willingness to buy.

Colour psychology: Which colours affect the customer in which way?

Colours have a great influence on our emotions and can therefore also influence buying behaviour. Red, for example, is associated with energy and passion and can thus evoke a greater willingness to buy certain products, such as sportswear. Blue, on the other hand, is associated with trust and seriousness and can thus be used for technical products or financial services.

The importance of product ratings and customer feedback for the purchase decision

Product ratings and customer feedback are an important factor in the purchase decision in an online shop. Potential customers want to get an idea of the quality of the product and the customer service. Positive reviews can strengthen trust in the online shop and the product and thus lead to a higher willingness to buy. Negative reviews, however, should not be ignored but used as an opportunity to improve the product and customer service.

Usability optimisation: How a user-friendly design of the online shop increases sales success

A user-friendly online shop is an important factor for sales success. Potential customers want to find the desired products quickly and easily and get a good overview. This includes clear navigation, a clear product presentation and simple order processing. Usability optimisation can thus lead to higher customer satisfaction and a greater willingness to buy.

Personalisation in the online shop: How individual offers can influence buying behaviour

The buying behaviour of customers can be influenced by personalising offers. For example, personalised recommendations or offers based on the customer's previous buying behaviour or interests can be used for this purpose. Such personalisation can strengthen the customer's trust in the online shop and thus lead to a higher willingness to buy.

The role of images and videos in product presentation and how they can influence the purchase decision

Images and videos play an important role in the product presentation in the online shop. They can give the customer a realistic impression of the product and thus strengthen trust in the online shop and the product. The use of videos that show the product in action can also influence buying behaviour and lead to a higher willingness to buy.


A psychologically optimised product presentation and price presentation in the online shop can have a great influence on sales success. By using psychological tricks, colour psychology, product evaluations, a user-friendly design, personalisation and high-quality images and videos, the customer's trust in the online shop and the product can be strengthened and thus the willingness to buy increased. Continuous optimisation of these factors can thus contribute to the long-term success of the online shop.

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