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There are many online traders who operate several shops in order to be found better for different search terms. They think it makes sense to operate a shop under two different web addresses (domains) in order to position themselves for two different search terms. But does that really make sense?

Why the domain is unimportant for the positioning of a website

It is important to remember that the domain, i.e. the web address, is less important for the positioning of a website than its content. Search engines know that every website can usually only be found under one address and that the content of the website independently grows and often even changes over time. A domain cannot possibly contain all the search terms of a website and many domains are already taken. The name of a domain says nothing at all about its content and quality.

How to optimise a shop for a search term

If a shop is actually found well for a search term that also appears in the domain name, this is more likely due to another reason: The shop is also otherwise optimised for this search term. For example, categories are named in this way, various texts contain the term and there is a large selection of articles that carry this term in the title or in the description.

Examples for optimising the content of an online shop:

Use of relevant search terms in product descriptions, category and page titles. Use of high-quality product images and videos. Creating blog articles and product reviews that highlight the benefits of the product. Creating landing pages for specific products or categories.

Examples of recommendation of the shop by others:

Creating backlinks from other relevant websites. Using social media marketing to promote the shop and its products. Creating partnerships with influencers or other relevant businesses to recommend the shop. Enabling customer reviews and recommendations on their own website.

There are many ways to optimise an online shop for certain search terms and to be recommended by others. Instead of running multiple online shops, online retailers should focus their resources on optimising their existing shop.

Why it does not make sense to operate several shops

Instead, online retailers should focus on optimising the content of their shop by ensuring that the texts, images and products are relevant to the desired search terms. It is also important that the shop is recommended by others by using the search term in conjunction with external links and social media activities.

Conclusion: Focus on optimising the shop's content

In summary, it does not make sense to operate several shops in order to be found better for different search terms. Instead, online merchants should focus on optimising the content of their shop in order to be found better for the desired search terms.

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