In every online shop there is the possibility that someone orders an unusually large number of products. This can come from genuine customers planning a large event, for example, or from fraudsters trying to exploit the system. To ensure that genuine customers are not affected by such unusual orders and to avoid distorting the statistics in the analytics tools, it can be useful to limit the maximum order quantity in OXID Shops.
Difficulties in estimating real and fake orders
However, it is not always easy to classify an order as real or fake. A customer who orders many products can just as easily be a genuine customer as someone who orders only one product. Therefore, limiting the order quantity can lead to cutting off sales for oneself.
Possible solutions: How to find a compromise
One way to get around this problem is not to set a blanket maximum order quantity, but to determine it based on various factors. For example, you can set the maximum order quantity for certain products or product groups that are particularly prone to unusually large order quantities. Another option is to limit the maximum order quantity for certain customer groups, for example, for customers who have not been registered for long or whose ordering behaviour is unusual.
Another solution can be to release the maximum order quantity only after a manual check by the shop operator. This way, one can ensure that genuine customers are not affected by the limit, while at the same time preventing unusual orders.
Another example is the use of CAPTCHA or biometrics to ensure that the order comes from a human and not a bot.
So there are different ways to find a compromise between preventing unusual order volumes and preserving sales. Which solution is best depends on the individual requirements of the online shop and the shop operator. In any case, careful consideration should be given to the impact of limiting order quantity on sales and customer satisfaction, and how to ensure that genuine customers are not adversely affected.
In conclusion, it can be said that limiting the order quantity in OXID shops can be quite useful in order to prevent unusual orders and not distort the statistics in the analysis tools. However, you should be aware that it is difficult to classify an order as real or fake and that you also run the risk of cutting yourself off from sales. To find a compromise, there are various solutions such as determining the maximum order quantity based on various factors or only releasing it after a manual check by the shop operator.